Saturday, July 15, 2006

Sample Ballot for Council Recall Election

I checked my mail this morning and found a nice surprise. A sample ballot for the McFarland city council recall election that is being held on August 15th. This was a wonderful reminder of the hard work and effort that our volunteers have made to help clean up this city and restore order. Note that there is a section where Melendez, Cantu, and Santillano were allowed to respond to our claims that they are doing a horrible job, but they didn't even bother to form a response to our statement.


At 7/18/2006 12:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


What will you do if you are wrong about the city recall. Will you apologize for all the mean spirited things you have said about community members and the current elected officials? We think not. Your life is so consumed with hate. You are a sad human and you truly have not the joy of the Lord. We pray for you and your family. It is not too late to do the right thing and stop the hate.

At 7/21/2006 8:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm glad to see that the recall is still on but I hope that all three that wish to replace the old city council go out and walk the streets and talk to the community members. Let them be known for who they are and why they feel they will try to do a better job for the city.Yes,they will have to take time from there busy lives and it will be hot out walking the streets,but it will prove that they are willing to do the best for the city.

At 7/21/2006 8:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone asked me to explain how to mark the voting ballot.I did, and then I was asked who was running against the now present city council, I read the names and only Julie's name was known by this person. I explained who the other two were. I really think the unknown need to get out into the community and let themselves be known or people may not take the time to vote.

At 7/22/2006 7:38 AM, Blogger Rafael Rodarte said...

To the post on 7/18.
You're right, I am filled with a lot of hate.

I hate the fact that this council has personal vendettas against our local businesses and is forcing us to pay 100% more for our recycling services.

I hate the fact that the mayor uses our city's money to fund trips for himself and his wife to Korea, Washington DC, and Las Vegas.

I hate the fact that we have spent at least a $200k in legal awards and expenses due to this council's mistakes.

But I appreciate the prayers for me and my family. :)

At 7/23/2006 12:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will there be any meetings
before recall elections.
Would be beneficial if all
6 candidates to come & answer questions from public.

At 7/27/2006 6:33 AM, Blogger Rafael Rodarte said...

Yes I agree, it would be great if someone could organize some type of debate or open forum between all of the candidates involved in this election.


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