Sunday, June 04, 2006

Measure "E" and Biosolids Issue

Last summer, I took a bit of interest in the biosolids issue. For those of you that aren't familiar with it, over the past year Dean Florez has been supporting an effort to ban outside counties from importing their sludge or biosolids into Kern County and applying it on our farmlands. This sludge consists of human sewage and industrial waste made up of hundreds of compounds, many of which are untested and cannot be scientifically confirmed to be safe. Our community (Delano, McFarland, Wasco) is basically becoming their dump yard. I will be voting "Yes" on Measure "E" and I urge our other residents to do a bit of research into this and hopefully you will come to the same conclusion.

Here is a website with more information regarding Measure "E".

I wondered where these biosolids were being applied and I had contacted a local agency for this information. They sent me some maps of the farms that are currently allowed to apply this stuff. Here is the information that I received from the local official.

"Biosolid Locations:
1. State Hwy 119/Enos Lane. SW Kern County RBM Inc.
2. Garces Hwy/ Corcoran Rd. NW Kern County Honeybucket Farms
3. Garces hwy/Scofield Rd. NW Kern County Honeybucket Farms
4. Gun Club Rd/Patterson Rd. NW Kern County USA Transport, Inc.
If you have further questions please call me at 661-862-8708.
Guy Shaw"

Along with the locations he also provided satellite maps identifying the locations. Note how 3 of these locations are located right in our backyard.

Here is a copy of the article that sparked my interest in this whole issue. Last July, there was a story in the Bakersfield Californian reporting on some waste "ash" being dumped in Wasco and there were concerns over the contents of the "ash". I have family in Wasco, plus since Wasco is not that far away from McFarland I had concerns about this. The city council reviewed it but I don't believe that they ever came to a firm conclusion.


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