I received my ballot for the school board election and as I started to read through it some of the names were very familiar. Note how two of the people running to replace the current school board members are people that were recently charged with a crime by the district attorney. These people are David Arguello and Marin Ortega. Both of them are correctional officers, how ironic.
http://www.shafterchevron.com/resources/Recall_Ballot.pdfA third person named Emma Garnica was also running to replace a school board member. She appears to have a criminal record for drug possession. This is all public information from the Kern County website.
http://www.shafterchevron.com/resources/EmmaGarnica.pdfPeople of McFarland, why are we putting up with this kind of behavior? We came so close to having our school board being taken over by people with these qualities. Let's wake up and make a better effort to stop this from occuring in the future. I hope people take the time to investigate who these people are and what local leaders they support so more people can begin to see the light.
I would like to thank all of the wonderful people that put in long hours to fight this school board recall attempt. You have done a great service to our community and our students.