McFarland School Board Election
The local school board election is heating up with several flyers being distributed around town over the last few weeks.
I urge voters to proceed with caution and look carefully at who you are voting for in this election. For those interested in doing a bit more research on the crooked candidates that are running for office. Check out the Kern County Criminal Case website. Search for the following names:
Marin Ortega Jr., Court Case #BM688226C
David Arguello, Court Case #BM688226B
These two "correctional officers" were arrested for filing elections documents with false signatures and after posting bail are set to have another trial date on November 13th, just a few days after the election. Do these guys sound like good role models for McFarland school kids? No way. I think they should be put through a remedial reading program so they can figure out how to read a set of election petition instructions.
I feel it is important to know who the educators support. The decisions made by the school board directly affect what goes on in the classroom. Have you spoken with the head of the local teachers union to see who they are supporting and why?
The teachers union? Who ever they support is the last person I'd vote for. The teachers union is for all kinds of libreal crap.
What we need is a kids union, the school is for kids to learn and nothing more. If the teachers don't like what they have or what they make go do something else for a living.We know what goes on in the class room and in the office, Just read the news papers and it doesn't have much to do with
It is obvious the "head" of the local teacher's union supports Ortega and Arguello. Mr. Richard Watson Sparks is facing trial along with Marin Ortega and David "Arquello" on Nov. 13, 2006 for FRAUD involving elections.
As a Mc Farland voting citizen, two things bother me, one more than the other:
1.) When and where was a forum held that invited all school board candidates to debate issues important to the teachers so that the teachers could decide to endorse the most qualified individuals?
2.) Why in the heck has David not corrected the spelling of his last name, or for that matter, his lawyer; does he hope he can get through trial with no detection so that once it is on his record, the incident will not affect him or his record?
Answers I have been given by other in the community include:
for 1.)Mr. Sparks went face to face with all teachers and requested that they sign endorsement for the aforementioned two. The good teachers felt intimidated and regretfully signed, because everyone knows how Mr. Sparks pleasant personality shines. Braver teachers flatly refused to sign the endorsement.
2.)Also heard around town: if Ortega and Arguello get elected, they will have 10 days after 11-13-06 to step down when they are found guilty of fraud (they admitted to signing off on other's gathered pettitions). So who's wasting taxpayer money now???
Yet, again, luck is on their side (our newly elected but not honorable board members). Their trial jury has been extended until January 2007. Talk about justice not prevailing and what a waste of time, for the district, for the community, and ultimately for the schools...
Luck had a little to do with it; but the majority of getting the new schoolboard members on were the web of lies they spun and spun all over the community of Mc seems that now they're picking on their fellow board members as well...seems like the dreaded letters are making the rounds, yet again, and being mailed to their residences at will...what a since when did everybody in Mc Farland become homophobic? lol
Living in Mc Farland is like watching the soap "Peyton Place" from a long time ago. And, why doesn't anybody dare say anything bad (even if it's a lie, cuz lies sure don't stop everybody else from being talked about)-about Rick Sparks or Josie Ortega or Melissa Mc Laughlin or even the infamous Tamra Wallace or the Woodruff's. Will they just go to trial and get off with nothing less than a slap on their hands? Call the news, the papers, call your new sheriff, Youngblood, the Grand Jury.
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