Friday, March 09, 2007

Election Results

This was a close race, too close. But I'm not surprised that it was so close after we began to hear the lies that the 9th street group was telling people as they went door to door the last few days before the election. But that's past us now and they can't cause too much trouble with city matters.

Results based on the hand count.
Ken Rosson = 289
Hilda Osorio = 269

Sam Cantu = 279
Don Campbell = 263
Humberto Topete = 262
Socorro Munoz = 234

Here is a letter from the company that oversees the election with their recommendation that the hand count be certified.


At 3/10/2007 3:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes this race was close. It was obvious on both sides that neither put on a good election campaign. This town needs to have a forum of candidates with a neutral moderator in all elections. If one is not comfortable with a forum, then they should not run for office for they may be just a puppet for someone else.

Let's get over this mess of an election and move on. Let's fix what is broken (the true spirit of McFarland, friendships, families, etc.) and break what needs fixing (abandoned buildings, bad roads, etc.) Let's bring in new businesses that will keep money here (another grocery store since Palace is always busy, another quality gas station, another fast food restaurant, etc.) I hate running to Delano to get something that I should be able to get here. Gas prices are up as you know.

Unfortunately, there are two sides to every story. Both sides accuse the other of lying. What are the lies and what is the truth? Will we ever know? Who is really in charge? Do we have people in office that represent all of the people of McFarland or a select few? When I ask a question to another citizen they seem not to know the answer because they get many different answers. Where can we get truthful answers?

I am embarrassed by the election mess. I heard comments that McFarland cannot even count. The cows must be running the show since they came back. Who is truly responsible for all the gas the cows or the city council?

Well as a lifetime citizen of this community, I beg of you to start listening to each others concerns and to those of the people. It is obvious that only a few voices are being heard.
Why not invest in a survey put together by a committee of citizens who really care and want to see things improve. Do what one can to get as many surveys returned and recorded by the same group and report it to the council and the citizens of McFarland. The council will then respond to the survey results one by one. I know some concerns are politically motivated and the community will make sure such questions are not part of the survey, that will be approved by the council.
This could be the thing that will bring positive change. It could also hear the voices of those that are not heard for what ever the reason. Not all can go to the meetings.

There are too many good people here not to have a great community and be a shining star in Kern County.
As you can tell by the length of this post, I am tired of all the gossip, lies and deceiving in the community. Yes there are times when we must vote with our gut and our hearts, but we should vote for what is right for the people.
So Mr. Rosson, Mr. Martin, Mrs. Rodarte, Mr.Campbell, and Mr. Cantu, I hope that you will vote on for what is right on all issues that will cross your path in the upcoming years, not for someone's agenda. Remember this was a close election, some people wanted change , even if it meant electing people that had no experience. The "honest and experience" on a billboard I've read is very blurry. Please clear it up for those of us that want to see you for who you really are, the honest and experienced.

At 3/13/2007 1:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok. so you guys have managed to brain wash the people one more time. You guys say that you are going to improve the city of McFarland, my question is, will it be in the interest for the city or personal interest? Cause the only thing I see you guys did so far is create a big chaos in the whole city that nobody cares to even go out and vote because they know that whatever they say is not going to be adressed, it will only be run your way. The only change I've seen since you guys took over is new faces in the city council, because for one- the BLUE CAN you promised to KICK OUT is still in our property and more expensive now.-two- the cows are back and three- if you call improving sherwood avenue bridge the way you left it, I suggest you leave McFarland the way it is before you improve it like the sherwood Ave. project.

At 3/16/2007 9:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Guys, Guys, Guys. What I don't understand is why are you guys getting so involved, running your campaigns the way you run them, when you are already a part of the city council. I am not a politician but it's getting to me because of all the nonsense going on. My understanding of committed to the community should be, you cannot take sides of anyone running for elections.If you're really into improving the city I would suggest just sit your but down and who ever comes into council, you work with them, I mean shouldn't it be that way now, It's not about a quick hand shake and you're in anymore. Or are you afraid if the the other campaign get's in you're out. I don't know how that works but I really think you're budding in too much, I hope if the re-count goes their way I hope they kick you out for causing this much of an inconvenience to the city and making this a personal issue. I mean you're only a council member that's it, it's not like you're the president or something to make you eligable to publish personal information of other people without their consent. I believe what you're doing is wrong, just let them do their thing and leave it up to the community. Everbody has the right not only you guys anymore.This is really getting frustrating as you can see.

At 3/19/2007 10:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the current council is really trying to improve McFarland?Please have each council member write down a list of 5 things that the people of McFarland will remember them by.


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