School Board Recall Flyer
A flyer is being distributed to advise the community to vote against the school board recall election that is taking place on April 4th. The goal of this flyer is to inform people of the type of candidates that are trying to replace our existing board members. We hope that this flyer will encouage people to ask tough questions and determine the true intentions behind this recall effort.
Hey retard,
I understand that Emma Garnica has a criminal record. She lost my vote, but the other two candidates are still ok to me. They have been charged, but not convicted. You really don't know if they are guilty of collecting illegal signatures.
Was it you and your dirty crew who called the D.A. to report them? It seems to me like you are the one who is really immature.
Grow up, get a life, and stop trying to impress your daddy garza.
I haven't checked this blog in weeks and it seems like you have lost your popularity.
We never stated that Ortega and Arguello were convicted, go back and read the flyer carefully.
I was not involved in reporting the illegal activity with the collecting of signatures but if I had been aware of it I would have reported it myself. It's a good thing that we have a good group of people that were paying attention to what was going on and stepped up to alert the authorities.
The blog site was not created to try to boost anyone's popularity.
I disagree with your voting stance, I say vote NO to all criminals and Melendez followers.
Hey retard,
I know they were not convicted,(DUH) but your treating them like if they were. You know you had something to do with that call to the D.A. Stop pretending that you play clean! They collected those signatures legally! Someone from your mob decided to report them anyways. It's funny how you try to expose yourself as an intelligent person. I enjoy reading your posts. They are funny!!
And i agree with you! vote NO to all CONVICTED criminals.
rafael rodarte no seas cobarde y da la cara y no se porque les dolio tanto que otra persona ganaran. se les fueron muchos negocios y como ya no los dejaron robar por eso hasta de noche andaban buscando firmas para distituir a los del concilio. y a ustedes que les importa la mesa directiva de la escuela si tengo entendido que tu ni vives aqui y si tan honestos son los de la mesa directiva porque se estan afferando hasta con los dientes. y te lo escribo en espanol porque el equipo de garza se referia a todos los hispanos como analphabetas y al ultima te nemos mas educacion que cualquiera de ustedes y contestenme a lo que estoy diciendo y otra cosa cuando quieran intimidar al a gente den la cara y no esten dejando papeles en las puertas como lo estubieron haciendo
To the post on 3/27 at 5:34pm.
If the signatures were collected legally, then why did the judge decide to stop the election on April 4th?
To the post on 3/27 at 6:45pm
The post is in spanish and this person is accusing me of being a coward for not personally handing out the flyers this past weekend and for questioning the corrupt people that are running for the school board. Yet, he doesn't put his name on his comment. Give me your name, phone number, and address. I would be willing to come to your house and educate you a bit.
to the comment 3/29 6:04 i think you guys know why probably she decided not to go on with the recall
you know what i am the one who posted the comment in spanish and why should i give my name, like if would would really come to oh what did you say supposably "educate" me hahaha
giood work ha i have not seen any good work coming from any of them
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