Sunday, September 24, 2006

McFarland School Board Election

In the upcoming November election there are a few seats on the McFarland school board that are up for grabs. Here is a list of the people that are set to appear on the ballot for the school board election.


At 9/25/2006 9:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

So who do you recommend?

At 9/26/2006 8:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the obvious recommendation should be for Marin Ortega and David Argeullo. Everyone knows Chandler and Munoz have been a disappointment. As for Linda Soto and Rosemary Rodriquez each are Ermelinda's stooges and have alignments with Linda Genel. Ermelinda, Mena, and Young should be out of their Admin positions. What have they really done for the students?

At 9/28/2006 11:29 PM, Blogger Rafael Rodarte said...

Last time I checked Ortega and Arguello were the individuals involved in collecting petition signatures illegally for the school board recall election that was cancelled a few months ago. I don't think that we should elect people that don't have enough common sense to follow simple directions. I definitely won't be voting for these two people. There are other much more qualified people on the ballot.

At 9/29/2006 5:40 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who on the ballot is more qualified? Are you an ostrich and is your head stuck in the sand that you turn a blind eye to the wrong goings on in the district, but self-righteous enough to throw stones at David and Marin? Why don't you start with Ben's door step or your own door step.

At 10/04/2006 5:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rose Mary said:
This is in response to "anonymous"
of 9/26/2006, 8:55pm-
Please spell my name right if you
will be saying something about me, especially if you won't sign your
name, correct version is Rose Mary
Rodriguez--two words and not a "q".
Please do not start something that most likely is 2nd hand information- in reference to "Ermelinda's stooges"; I do not appreciate being called a stooge and I do not know any stooge who graduated with honors from 8th and 12th grade and from the local community college. I believe any former teacher that I have will vouch for that 1st hand information-right from my mouth...
please contact me directly to verify any other misleading information that you may have...I have always been listed in the public phone book. Looking foward to speaking with you over any other concerns you may have or information you want clarified. Thanks! Rose Mary

At 10/07/2006 1:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know Linda Soto Escalante, thats her full name, and believe me She is NOT a Stooge for Ermelinda or anyone else. Anyone that really knows this woman knows that she would not be a stooge for anyone because she definately has a mind of her own! Ask anyone that has ever argued with her or spoken to her about any issue! I believe she would be an excellent canidate for for this position bc she honestly cares about the kids and anyone from or around this corrupt district of ours. She has fought many times, for many people, and always believes in following the LAW and doing whats right. She has also been involved in a few recall petitions herself and was able to do so in a LEGAL manner. Also, anyone that would use such an immature term as stooge, is not someone I would take advice from. Thats whats so wrong with McFarland, there are soo many that feel the need to get personal and fight dirty! Why? Does anyone in this town have dignity or class anymore? This is exactly why nothing in this town can go right or get done, everyone has to make things personal and think about themselves. When in this case we should be concentrating on the children and what is in their best interest. Anyways the ramblings of one hoping, but not counting on positive change in this community of ours, have come to an end. I hope you all concider my words when voting and choose Miss. Escalante as a new member of the board. Thank you

At 10/09/2006 4:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well this seems to be the spot everyone is into at the moment.There is still the problem regarding the safety of students crossing over the Sherwood overpass.One morning as I was driving up the Sherwood overpass I came close to hitting two students because they crossed behind a vehicle( instead of the front where they would be visable )to get to school. We as drivers have most of the responsibilty,students still don't understand the danger they put themselves into.Something needs to be done before someone gets hit by a vehicle.You know Mcfarland does have a walking bridge mainly for pedestrians,that might solve the problem.Will city council members or school board members take the problem into consideration?


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