McFarland just can't seem to stay out of the news. Yesterday afternoon a group of people decided to protest the election results in front of city hall. Humberto
Topete went into city hall yesterday to get an explanation on the process that needs to be followed to initiate another vote recount. He has until Monday to submit a letter of protest and a $1000 deposit, this is all that is required to start the process for another recount. Very simple.
After the process was completely explained to Humberto, later that day, he and his friends decided to stage a protest in front of city hall demanding another recount. I don't quite understand why it was necessary to stage a protest. No one has denied him and his friends the right to a recount. It seems that this guy has a difficult time understanding simple directions. This is what he and his Melendez groupies are like, they can't understand and follow simple processes. And they think they can manage this city?
I hope they decide to put up the $1000 deposit. If the recount fails to yield any different results, then the deposit will have to be forfeited and it will be used to cover the costs for the recount. Let's see if these guys are willing to gamble their own money on this, should be interesting. My bet is that they won't do anything and they'll continue to whine about it. They are very good at that and whining doesn't cost them any money.