Vote for Honest and Experienced People
This flyer was distributed throughout the city this past weekend. Ken Rosson, Don Campbell, and Socorro Munoz clearly have a long track record of being involved in our community and they are all long time residents. I would encourage voters to contact them personally and find out what great people they are.
You can also contact the other three people that the 9th street gang is sponsoring. Here is their contact information. I would also encourage voters to call these individuals and question them on their qualifications and experience. Ask them what their goals are and how they plan to achieve them. Then ask them where the money will come from to implement their plans. Find out if they truly care about this community and if they are willing to invest 20+ hours per week of their time.
Hilda Osorio, 661-792-9403,
Samuel Cantu, 661-792-3545
Humberto Topete, 661-792-6830