Proposed Action Items from Dennis Martin
Here is a good summary of proposed action items that councilman Dennis Martin shared with me. The list of issues and problems that our city is faced with are long but with the new council that we have in place I anticipate that many of these issues will be tackled in a more productive and professional manner. The top items on this list that really interest me are the reduction of lawsuits against our city and the AES Delano Energy plant.
The Delano Energy power plant is owned and operated by AES, a large global power company. When I drive to Delano in the evenings, just as I pass next to the Delano Energy plant I often have the urge to hold my breath due to the awful smell coming from this plant. I wonder what this smell is and if it is harmful to our residents. I also hear that Delano Energy may be out of compliance on some of their Title V air quality permits. This may justify further investigation. This energy company is also beginning to make plans to build an ethanol plant on the southern end of the existing plant. Before this new ethanol plant is approved I think the people in this area should make sure that the existing facility is operated responsibly and any air quality violations should be corrected.
Here is a link to the AES website:
Here is a link to an article by KEDC that mentions plans for the ethanol plant:
Here is Mr. Martin's list of action items:
Mr. Martin has interesting items that do need to be taken care of,it does take team work.But will this cost the community members-tax payers.We must remember this is not a rich little town.Another thing I'm worried about,there are many homes going up and I was just wandering about the sewer system is it large enough.If it's not I'm sure it will take tax dollars to take care of that problem. I do believe someone tried to take care of that some years ago.Don't let looks be deceiving,just because someone may look uneducated doesn't mean they are.Thank you for posting Mr. Martin's items.
Sewer Plant :Servern & Trent the outside company we contracted to run plant is costing tax payers around $300,000 per year & city is still paying all incoming cost from A to Z. This company now has coerced city into installing a diffused aeration system that failed to work in city's sewer ponds years back. City had to get a loan around $500,000.00 for this project.City's sewer tax revenue is over $1,000,000.00 per year & city has to get a loan?? Something is very wrong here > where is all the money gone. All you tax payers out there beware & start going to meetings & let this new council know you want no more dumb mistakes & to correct these costly mistakes now. Its your money!
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