Friday, February 17, 2006

Audio Clip - California Waste Management Meeting

Another complaint that the mayor and his buddies Cantu and Santillano have is that R&F Disposal was at fault for a $10,000 fine that was charged to the city for not being in compliance with a recycling program. Here is an audio clip of the former city administrator, Anthony Lopez, speaking before the California Integrated Waste Management Board. Mr. Lopez specifically states that the sole responsibility for the city not being in compliance falls with the City of McFarland and not with R&F Disposal. Our own city administrator admitted that R&F was not at fault for this fine, so why do the mayor and council keep insisting that it was? Why did these guys use this as an excuse to reject R&F's proposal to pick up our recyclable garbage at half the cost that Sunset is charging us?

Interesting thing though, Cantu doesn't even own a home in McFarland yet he finds no problem voting on a measure that increases taxes for all other homeowners in our community.


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